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Search Results

Displaying videos 97 - 108 of 206, page 9 of 18.

  1. A Science-Based Approach to Restoring Gorongosa's Wildlife

    This video follows scientists from Gorongosa National Park as they relocate zebras from a nearby reserve as part of the effort to restore healthy wildlife populations.

    Grade Levels:
    High School — AP/IB
    High School — General

    Create Interactive Video from "A Science-Based Approach to Restoring Gorongosa's Wildlife"

  2. Trophic Cascades in Salt Marsh Ecosystems

    In this video, ecologist Brian Silliman explains how he uses manipulative field experiments to study salt marsh ecosystems. His approach revealed that these systems are under top-down control from consumers and predators.

    Experimental Design
    Grade Levels:
    High School — AP/IB
    High School — General

    Create Interactive Video from "Trophic Cascades in Salt Marsh Ecosystems"