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Translation Basic Detail

Craig Kohn

This animation shows the translation of messenger RNA into protein.

The ribosome is a molecular factory that translates the genetic information in messenger RNA (mRNA) into a string of amino acids (a polypeptide chain) that becomes a protein. The ribosome assembles around mRNA. Inside the ribosome, the nucleotide sequence of the mRNA is read three nucleotides at a time by transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules. When the three-nucleotide “code” of the mRNA matches a three-nucleotide code in the tRNA, the tRNA binds and the amino acid carried by that particular tRNA is added to the growing polypeptide chain.

This animation shows the translation process in three-dimensional detail, using the production of the hemoglobin protein as an example. Depending on students’ backgrounds, it may be helpful to pause the animation at various points to identify the molecules and describe their interactions.

Please note that embedded interactions will not appear in the descriptive audio version.

Grade Levels:
High School — AP/IB
High School — General